DefiCliq Partnership with Skyrim Finance

2 min readSep 27, 2021

We are excited to introduce to you our latest ally in making decentralized finance more accessible to the mass.

Today we are partnering with Skyrim Finance — A decentralised structured Finance Protocol.

DefiCliq is a project that aims to provide a single unified interface for DeFi features on Polkadot. This platform has the ambition of reshaping the current blockchain financing landscape by becoming the first company on the market to offer both collateralized and uncollateralized loans, This means Deficliq offers investors the possibility to diversify and distribute their risks over multiple tiers.

Through this collaboration, Skyrim Finance will work with DefiCliq to integrate DefiCliq’s lending and insurance products, giving our users access to insured lending markets and undercollateralized loan options. Skyrim Finance will work with DefiCliq to explore ways to integrate our technology, helping to provide additional value to both communities.

Shantanu Kumar, CEO of DefiCliq believes:

“This Partnership will not only allow both the teams and communities to explore and use each others technology but will also strengthen the whole DeFi space at the same time. We at deficliq are super — excited to work with such an amazing team at Skyrim who has great vision and plans to achieve what they are aiming for.”

The Ops and Marketing Director of Skyrim Finance, Johnny Lee comments that

“It is a great opportunity to be able to partner with Deficliq. Both of our teams are operating in this same space, working towards the same goal, which is to bring DeFi to people’s everyday use. Both teams share so much in common that when together, we would have a better chance of making a difference.”


DefiCliq is a Polkadot ecosystem project that looks to disrupt the peer-to-peer (P2P) loans market by becoming one of the first platforms to offer undercollateralized loans. Furthermore, it is an entire DeFi ecosystem on its own. Through DefiCliq, users can stake their tokens to earn rewards, participate in yield farms, and interact with the broader Polkadot network due to DefiCliq’s interoperability capabilities.

For further inquiries:


Website: DefiCliq

Twitter: @deficliq

Telegram: @deficliqann

