DefiCliq partners with Meter

2 min readJun 7, 2021

We are excited to have allied with a high-performance infrastructure like Meter to assist and work together with us to use its passport as a bridge to port $CLIQ to BSC.

Benefits and outcome of Deficliq and Meter partnership

As earlier stated, our partnership with will allow us to use its passport as a bridge to port $CLIQ token to Binance Smart Chain(BSC). It would serve as a porter by offering a seamless bridge for $CLIQ token into the BSC.

NB: Publications and announcement will be made as soon as possible as regards the following;

● Contract address

● How to use the bridge

● Pancakeswap listing details will be shared later.

About Meter

Meter is a high-performance infrastructure that allows smart contracts to scale and travel seamlessly through heterogeneous blockchain networks. It takes Ethereum to the next level by enabling scalable and interoperable Dapps with the safety and security of full decentralization.

Meter is neither fixed nor attached to the U.S. dollar or any other fiat currency issued by a sovereign country. Instead, it is independent of its economy and its proof-of-work interactions with the physical world. Its objective is to lay the foundation for a stable cryptocurrency reference that will help facilitate more sophisticated financial services and instruments like lending, insurance, options and derivatives to be built correctly.

About Deficliq

Deficliq is an infrastructure designed on the Polkadot ecosystem and it provides both collateralized and uncollateralized loans in both p2p and traditional ways, with more features like DAO (off-chain governance), staking, and interoperability at one place. It allows users to stake their tokens to earn rewards, participate in yield farms, and interact with the broader Polkadot network as a result of DefiCliq’s interoperability feature.

Website: DefiCliq

Twitter: @deficliq

Telegram: @deficliqann




Unifying all defi features on polka at one place.