Cliq Tokens and Economics

2 min readOct 6, 2020


We are going to start the token sale on 13th October with exact time and steps to be announced soon, so in order to provide maximum transparency we would like to clarify token economics and release schedule as the first step.

Basic Information

Total supply of CLIQ token is 990,000,000 with an initial market cap of ~$271.7K at $0.065 based on Private and Pre Sale.

When including 5% of Liquidity and Market Reserve, $CLIQ will list on the market with a total initial market cap of $471K at $0.065.

On 14th September a TOKEN BURN was announced according to which 44.60% of TOTAL SUPPLY will be burnt bringing down the true TOTAL SUPPLY as 548,387,590 CLIQ.


Supply Distribution

CLIQ Distribution .

Private (0.33%)

  • Amount: $200K
  • Price: $0.06

Pre Sale (1.98%)

  • Amount: $790K
  • Price: $0.04

Staking (45%)

Team and Advisor (14.1%)

Referrals (8%)

Business Development and Marketing (9.77%)

Employee and Operations (15%)

Reserve[Liquidity and Market Reserve] (5.81%)

Token Release Schedule

  • Private Round: 85% on first listing and remaining 15% on 15th day from first listing.
  • Pre Sale Round: 10% on first listing and then each 15% on 15th, 30th, 45th, 60th, 75th and 90th day.
  • Team and Advisors: Locked for 2 years, then vested for 12 months.
  • Business Development and Marketing: Locked for 6 months.
  • Employee and Operations: 5% release every months .
  • Reserve: ~5% for initial liquidity, promotional campaigns etc. .

Use of Proceeds

Deficliq is targeting to raise $990K from both the Private and Pre Sale rounds. The total raised fund will be used for:

Use of proceeds from sales.
  • Exchange Listing: 20%
  • Operations: 20%
  • Marketing: 15%
  • Product and Tech: 40%
  • Reserve: 5%

What is Deficliq ?

Deficliq is the first company to provide both collateral and unsecured loans for both p2p and traditional ways, with several features like DAO (off-chain governance), staking, interoperability in one place as a Polkadot Substrate Project and thus becoming a leading competitor in the fintech space.






